Citibank Singapore ATM - Ang Mo Kio MRT

Citibank Singapore ATM - Ang Mo Kio MRT is close to Citibank, Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, Ang Mo Kio, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 569811

  • Address: 2450 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8, SMRT Station, Singapore 569811
  • Phone: +65 6225 5225
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3695954, 103.8496726

Citibank Singapore ATM - Ang Mo Kio MRT, opening hours today

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Citibank Singapore ATM - Ang Mo Kio MRT reviews

Old Chang kee at AMK MRT very convenient place for my daily work routine to get my breakfast.

Place to go

2023-08-23 Benjamin

Great convenience to have an ATM at the AMK MRT station. Makes it easy for me to withdraw cash before my daily commute.

2023-08-23 Emily

The ATM at AMK MRT is always reliable. I never have to worry about it being out of service or running out of cash.

2023-08-23 Daniel

I appreciate the accessibility of the ATM at AMK MRT. It's located in a convenient spot and easy to access.

2023-09-07 Sophia

The ATM at AMK MRT is my go-to place whenever I need to withdraw cash. It's always fast and efficient.

2023-09-12 James

I love that the ATM at AMK MRT is open 24/7. It's great to be able to withdraw cash at any time of the day.

2023-09-17 Olivia

The ATM at AMK MRT is very user-friendly. The interface is easy to navigate and the instructions are clear.

2023-09-22 William

I've never had any issues with the ATM at AMK MRT. It's always functional and the transaction process is smooth.

2023-09-27 Amelia

The ATM at AMK MRT is a time-saver for me. I don't have to go out of my way to access cash, it's right there at the station.

2023-10-02 Jacob

I find the ATM at AMK MRT to be very reliable. I've never encountered any issues with it.

2023-10-07 Emma

The ATM at AMK MRT is always well-maintained. It's clean and the screens are always clear.

2023-10-12 Liam

I appreciate the convenience of having an ATM at AMK MRT. It saves me time and I don't have to travel far to withdraw cash.

2023-10-17 Ava

The ATM at AMK MRT is my preferred choice for cash withdrawals. It's never crowded and I can always get what I need.

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