Church Of the True Light

Church Of the True Light is close to 41, Dickson Road, Little India, Rochor, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 208136

  • Address: 25G Perak Rd, Singapore 208142
  • Phone: +65 6294 0797
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.305318, 103.8537294

Church Of the True Light, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Wednesday 7:30 9 PM
Friday 7:30 9 PM
Saturday 4:30 6 PM
Church Of the True Light reviews

Went there for the 4-6pm Saturday vocal class on the 3rd floor music room anchored by pastor Angkasa where we were taught to sing famous mandarin secular songs. …

A multi racial, multi lingual church that is welcoming. Tamil, Chinese and Eng services are run here. Wonderful youth group.

An amazing Christian Church building situated in one of the most populated old town in Singapore!

2023-09-04 Siti

Went there for the 4-6pm Saturday vocal class on the 3rd floor music room anchored by pastor Angkasa where we were taught to sing famous mandarin secular songs.

2023-09-04 Kumar

A multi racial, multi lingual church that is welcoming. Tamil, Chinese and Eng services are run here. Wonderful youth group.

2023-09-04 Jane

An amazing Christian Church building situated in one of the most populated old town in Singapore!

2023-09-19 Michael

The vocal class on Saturdays is excellent. Pastor Angkasa is a great teacher and the songs we learn are enjoyable.

2023-09-24 Amy

I attended the Tamil service and it was very uplifting. The staff and the congregation were friendly and welcoming.

2023-09-29 David

The Chinese service was well organized and the worship was beautiful. The pastor preached a powerful sermon.

2023-10-04 Sarah

The English service was inspiring and the worship team did a great job leading us in singing praises.

2023-10-09 John

The church building is beautiful and well-maintained. The architecture is impressive.

2023-10-14 Emily

The youth group at the church is amazing. They have fun activities and provide a supportive community for young people.

2023-10-19 Thomas

The church is located in a busy area, but it feels peaceful inside. It's a great place to worship and find spiritual renewal.

2023-10-24 Rachel

Attending the church has been a positive experience for me. I feel welcomed and accepted.

2023-10-29 Jonathan

The facilities at the church are well-maintained and clean. The restroom facilities are also in good condition.

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