Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading

Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading is close to Bras Basah Complex, 231, Bain Street, Bras Basah, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 180231

  • Address: 231 Bain St, Singapore 180231
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.297105, 103.853681

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Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading reviews
2023-08-31 Alice

The staff at Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store were extremely helpful and knowledgeable. They took the time to explain the different watches and pens to me and helped me find the perfect gift for my husband. Their customer service was top-notch and I would highly recommend them.

2023-08-31 Bob

I was impressed with the value for money at Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store. The prices of their products were competitive and they had a wide range of options to choose from. I was able to find a high-quality watch at a great price.

2023-08-31 Catherine

When I first walked into Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store, I was greeted with a warm and inviting atmosphere. The store was well-decorated and had a great ambiance. It made the shopping experience enjoyable and I felt comfortable browsing their selection of products.

2023-09-15 Daniel

Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store had excellent facilities and amenities. They had comfortable seating areas where customers could sit and try on watches or test out pens. They also had a water cooler and complimentary snacks available for customers.

2023-09-20 Emily

I didn't have to wait long at Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store. The staff were efficient and attended to me quickly. I also made a reservation before going to the store, which helped minimize any wait time.

2023-09-25 Frank

The quality of the products at Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store was exceptional. Their watches were well-crafted and made with high-quality materials. The pens were also smooth and wrote beautifully. I was impressed with the craftsmanship.

2023-09-30 Grace

The ambiance and decor of Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store were elegant and sophisticated. The store had a luxurious feel to it, which added to the overall shopping experience. I felt like I was shopping at a high-end boutique.

2023-10-05 Henry

My overall experience at Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store was fantastic. The staff were professional and friendly, the products were of high quality, and the atmosphere was pleasant. I would definitely shop there again.

2023-10-10 Isabella

I had a personal experience with Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store where I accidentally dropped and damaged a watch I had purchased. I reached out to their customer service and they were very understanding and helpful. They offered to repair the watch at no additional cost. I was grateful for their assistance.

2023-10-15 Jacob

The staff at Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store were friendly and attentive. They listened to my needs and helped me find a watch that suited my style and budget. I appreciated their personalized approach to customer service.

2023-10-20 Katherine

I was impressed with the variety of products at Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store. They had watches and pens from a wide range of brands and styles. There was something for everyone's taste and budget.

2023-10-25 Liam

Brilliant Watch & Pen Trading Store is my go-to place for all my watch and pen needs. The staff are knowledgeable and friendly, the quality of the products is excellent, and the overall shopping experience is always enjoyable. I highly recommend them.

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