Brainbackers Singapore Pte Ltd

Brainbackers Singapore Pte Ltd is close to 254, Serangoon Road, Little India, Rochor, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 218108

  • Address: Serangoon Rd, Singapore 218106
  • Phone: +65 9374 3794
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3101406, 103.8542633

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Brainbackers Singapore Pte Ltd reviews
2023-09-03 Jennifer

I had a great experience with Brainbackers Singapore. The wait time was minimal, and the staff was very friendly and knowledgeable. They were able to diagnose and fix my computer issue quickly. Overall, I was satisfied with their service.

2023-09-03 Daniel

I was impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere at Brainbackers Singapore. The store was clean and organized, and the staff greeted me with a smile. The ambiance and decor were pleasant, creating a comfortable environment. The overall experience was positive.

2023-09-03 Samantha

I had to make a reservation for my computer repair at Brainbackers Singapore, and I appreciated the convenience it offered. The wait time was minimal, and my repair was completed in a timely manner. The customer service was friendly and attentive. I would recommend their services.

2023-09-18 David

I had a personal experience with Brainbackers Singapore where I had to get my laptop repaired. The staff was helpful and explained the issue to me in a way that I could understand. They took care of the repair quickly, and my laptop was back to working condition in no time.

2023-09-23 Michelle

The customer service at Brainbackers Singapore was excellent. The staff was friendly and attentive, making sure to address all my questions and concerns. They provided regular updates on the progress of my repair, and I felt well taken care of throughout the process.

2023-09-28 John

The quality of the repair service at Brainbackers Singapore was top-notch. They were able to identify and fix the issue with my computer accurately. The repaired computer worked perfectly without any further issues. I was impressed with their expertise and skills.

2023-10-03 Emily

I found the prices at Brainbackers Singapore to be reasonable and good value for money. The quality of the repair service exceeded my expectations, considering the affordable price. I would definitely go back to them for any future computer repair needs.

2023-10-08 Ryan

The facilities and amenities at Brainbackers Singapore were modern and well-maintained. The waiting area was comfortable, and there were amenities such as free Wi-Fi and refreshments available. Overall, the facilities added to the positive customer experience.

2023-10-14 Alicia

The wait time at Brainbackers Singapore was longer than I expected. However, the staff was friendly and kept me informed about the progress of my repair. Despite the wait, I was satisfied with the overall service and the expertise of the staff.

2023-10-19 David

I had a reservation for my computer repair at Brainbackers Singapore, and I was glad I did. The wait time was minimal, and my repair was completed efficiently. The staff was knowledgeable and provided good customer service. I would definitely recommend their services.

2023-10-24 Chloe

The overall experience at Brainbackers Singapore was positive. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable, and they were able to fix my computer issue quickly. The ambiance of the store was pleasant, and the overall atmosphere was welcoming.

2023-10-29 Michael

I had a great experience at Brainbackers Singapore. The staff was attentive and knowledgeable, and my computer repair was completed in a timely manner. The quality of the repair was excellent, and I would definitely go back for any future computer repair needs.

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