Blk 28A Multi Storey Carpark

Blk 28A Multi Storey Carpark is close to 28A, Jalan Bukit Ho Swee, Bukit Merah, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 169568

  • Address: 28A Beo Cres, Singapore 164028
  • Phone: +65 6876 5408
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.288369, 103.8278285

Blk 28A Multi Storey Carpark, opening hours today

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Blk 28A Multi Storey Carpark reviews
2023-08-24 Jessica

The parking lot was spacious and well-lit. However, there was a long queue to enter and exit the carpark.

2023-08-24 Daniel

I found it difficult to find parking spaces on weekends. The carpark should have more parking lots.

2023-08-24 Emma

The carpark is conveniently located near my office. It is easy to find a parking spot during weekdays.

2023-09-08 Ryan

The carpark is clean and well-maintained. The staff are friendly and helpful.

2023-09-13 Sophia

The carpark charges reasonable rates for parking. However, there are no facilities like elevators or washrooms.

2023-09-18 Liam

The carpark is often full during peak hours. It would be better if there were more levels or floors.

2023-09-23 Olivia

The carpark has a good security system with CCTV cameras and guards patrolling. It feels safe to park here.

2023-09-28 Mason

The carpark is in a convenient location with easy access to nearby shops and amenities.

2023-10-03 Ava

The carpark is well-maintained and clean. However, the parking spaces are too narrow.

2023-10-08 Ethan

The carpark has sufficient parking spaces and is not usually crowded. The rates are affordable.

2023-10-13 Isabella

The carpark is poorly designed with narrow ramps and tight corners. It can be difficult to navigate.

2023-10-18 Noah

The carpark has limited parking spaces and is often full. It can be frustrating to find a spot.

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