Bethesda Hall Depot Walk

Bethesda Hall Depot Walk is close to Bethesda Hall (Church), 10, Depot Walk, Bukit Merah, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 109590

  • Address: 10 Depot Walk, Singapore 109590
  • Phone: +65 6276 2484
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.2819041, 103.8141503

Bethesda Hall Depot Walk, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 9 AM 1 PM for the week
Monday 8 AM 5 PM
Tuesday 8 AM 5 PM
Wednesday 8 AM 5 PM
Thursday 8 AM 5 PM
Friday 8 AM 5 PM
Saturday 9 AM 5:30 PM
Bethesda Hall Depot Walk reviews

Biblical NT Church, non- denominational. A brethren assembly of Christ centered worship, bible based teaching & fellowship in the body life of the Lord Jesus.

Bible based assembly

A Good Church to Worship

2023-08-27 Emily

I love attending services at Bethesda Hall Depot Walk. The worship is Christ-centered and the teaching is based on the Bible. The church has a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and I always feel encouraged and uplifted after each service. The fellowship in the body of Christ is strong, and it's a great place to connect with other believers. I highly recommend this church.

2023-08-27 Daniel

Bethesda Hall Depot Walk is a wonderful Bible-based assembly. The teaching is focused on the Word of God and the worship is genuine and heartfelt. The church has a strong sense of community, and there are many opportunities to get involved and serve. The leaders are dedicated and passionate about their faith, and the members are welcoming and supportive. I feel blessed to be a part of this church family.

2023-08-27 Sarah

I have been attending Bethesda Hall Depot Walk Christian church for several years now, and it has been a transformative experience. The teaching is deep and insightful, and it has helped me grow in my understanding of the Bible and my relationship with God. The worship services are inspiring and uplifting, and the fellowship is genuine and encouraging. This church truly feels like a second home to me.

2023-09-11 Michael

Bethesda Hall Depot Walk is a Bible-based church that is focused on Christ-centered worship and teaching. The pastors and leaders are knowledgeable and passionate about the Scriptures, and they do a great job of connecting biblical principles to real-life applications. The worship services are filled with heartfelt praise and the fellowship is warm and welcoming. I highly recommend this church to anyone seeking a solid foundation in the Word of God.

2023-09-16 Jessica

I have found a spiritual home at Bethesda Hall Depot Walk Christian church. The teaching is rooted in the Bible, and it has deepened my understanding of God's Word. The worship is sincere and uplifting, and the church community is loving and supportive. There are also many opportunities for growth and ministry. I am grateful to be a part of this congregation and highly recommend it to others seeking a biblical NT church.

2023-09-21 Benjamin

Bethesda Hall Depot Walk Christian church is a non-denominational brethren assembly that is committed to Christ-centered worship and bible based teaching. The church has a strong sense of community, and the members truly care about one another. The teaching is grounded in the Scriptures and the worship is heartfelt and uplifting. I have grown spiritually through my involvement in this church, and I highly recommend it to others.

2023-09-26 Amelia

I recently started attending Bethesda Hall Depot Walk Christian church, and I have been impressed by the warm and welcoming atmosphere. The teaching is solid and biblically grounded, and the worship is heartfelt and sincere. The church community is friendly and supportive, and there are many opportunities for fellowship and service. I am grateful to have found this church and I look forward to growing in my faith here.

2023-10-01 Jonathan

Bethesda Hall Depot Walk is a refreshing church with a strong emphasis on Bible-based teaching and Christ-centered worship. The pastors and leaders are knowledgeable and passionate about the Scriptures, and they do a great job of making the teachings relevant to our daily lives. The worship is uplifting and the fellowship is warm and friendly. I am grateful to be a part of this church family.

2023-10-06 Rachel

I have been attending Bethesda Hall Depot Walk Christian church for many years, and it has been a source of spiritual growth and encouragement for me. The teaching is in-depth and practical, and it has helped me apply the principles of the Bible to my everyday life. The worship services are vibrant and filled with genuine praise, and the fellowship is warm and welcoming. I would highly recommend this church to anyone seeking a Bible-based assembly.

2023-10-11 Jacob

I have been attending Bethesda Hall Depot Walk Christian church for a few months now, and I have been blessed by the teaching and fellowship. The pastors have a deep understanding of the Scriptures, and they do a great job of explaining the biblical principles in a way that is practical and applicable to our lives. The worship services are uplifting and the church community is welcoming. I am grateful to have found this church.

2023-10-16 Elizabeth

Bethesda Hall Depot Walk Christian church is a place where I have found a sense of belonging and spiritual growth. The teaching is grounded in the Word of God, and it has helped me deepen my understanding of the Scriptures. The worship is heartfelt and the fellowship is warm and welcoming. The church community is supportive and caring. I am thankful to be a part of this church family.

2023-10-21 Matthew

I have been attending Bethesda Hall Depot Walk Christian church for several years, and it has been a place of spiritual nourishment and growth for me. The teaching is biblically based and relevant to our lives, and the worship is heartfelt and sincere. The church community is supportive and caring, and there are many opportunities to get involved and serve. I highly recommend this church to anyone seeking a Christ-centered NT church.

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