Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten

Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten is close to Bethesda Chapel, Sims Avenue Park Connector, Kembangan, Bedok, Southeast, SG-04, 416551

  • Address: 27 Lor Melayu, Singapore 416913
  • Phone: +65 6749 4077
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3206384, 103.9102822

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Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten reviews

The most wonderful community for your child! Having moved here from Australia with a 1&2yr old, I’m so glad to have found this school. The teachers & staff are all loving & supportive, the facilities for the children are spacious & …

I have joined my daughter in K1 this year and it was a great place to bring up our kids. The teachers are so caring and dedicated. They communicate to the parents on daily basis on the kids activities and progress.Overall a great experience

2023-08-23 Emily

The most wonderful community for your child! Having moved here from Australia with a 1&2yr old, I’m so glad to have found this school. The teachers & staff are all loving & supportive, the facilities for the children are spacious & …

2023-08-23 Benjamin

I have joined my daughter in K1 this year and it was a great place to bring up our kids. The teachers are so caring and dedicated. They communicate to the parents on daily basis on the kids activities and progress.Overall a great experience

2023-08-23 Sophia

The teachers and staff at Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten Preschool are amazing. They are loving and supportive, creating a wonderful community for children. The facilities are spacious and well-maintained. I highly recommend this school.

2023-09-07 Ethan

My child has been attending Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten Preschool for a year now and we are extremely happy with the school. The teachers are caring and dedicated, and they keep us informed about our child's activities and progress. The overall experience has been great.

2023-09-12 Olivia

I can't say enough good things about Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten Preschool. The teachers and staff are loving and supportive, creating a nurturing environment for children. The facilities are spacious and well-equipped. I highly recommend this school.

2023-09-17 Daniel

Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten Preschool is a wonderful place for children. The teachers and staff are caring and dedicated, and they provide regular updates on the children's activities and progress. The school has excellent facilities for the children to learn and play. Overall, a great experience.

2023-09-22 Isabella

I am extremely happy with Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten Preschool. The teachers and staff are loving and supportive, creating a nurturing environment for children. The facilities are spacious and well-maintained. I highly recommend this school.

2023-09-27 Jacob

Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten Preschool is an amazing school. The teachers and staff are caring and dedicated, and they provide regular updates on the children's activities and progress. The facilities are spacious and well-maintained. I highly recommend this school.

2023-10-07 William

Bethesda Chapel Kindergarten Preschool is a fantastic school. The teachers and staff are caring and dedicated, and they provide regular updates on the children's activities and progress. The facilities are spacious and well-maintained. I highly recommend this school.

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