Amsbach Offshore Services Pte Ltd

Amsbach Offshore Services Pte Ltd is close to Loyang Crescent, Loyang Industrial Park, Pasir Ris, Northeast, SG-02, 508773

  • Address: 25 Loyang Cres, Singapore 508988
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.38403, 103.970452

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Amsbach Offshore Services Pte Ltd reviews
2023-08-28 Jack

The Military base was well-maintained and had top-notch facilities. The staff were highly professional and provided excellent service. I had a great experience overall.

2023-08-28 Emily

I was impressed by the security measures at the Military base. They ensured that only authorized personnel were allowed entry. The base was clean and organized.

2023-08-28 Benjamin

The Military base had a wide range of facilities to cater to the different needs and preferences of the personnel. The amenities were well-maintained and easily accessible.

2023-09-12 Olivia

I had a comfortable stay at the Military base. The accommodation was clean and spacious, and the beds were comfortable. The staff were friendly and accommodating.

2023-09-17 William

The Military base had state-of-the-art training facilities. The equipment was up-to-date and well-maintained. The training sessions were informative and engaging.

2023-09-22 Sophia

The Military base had a well-equipped gym that allowed personnel to maintain their fitness levels. The gym had a wide range of equipment and was clean and spacious.

2023-09-27 Ryan

The Military base had a variety of dining options to choose from. The food was tasty and of good quality. The base also had a convenience store, which was convenient.

2023-10-02 Ava

The Military base had a beautiful waterfront area where personnel could relax and enjoy the view. The landscaping was well-maintained and added to the overall aesthetic of the base.

2023-10-07 Daniel

The Military base had a well-stocked library that allowed personnel to access a wide range of books and resources. The library was quiet and provided a peaceful environment for studying or reading.

2023-10-12 Sophie

The Military base had a medical facility that provided prompt and efficient healthcare services. The staff were knowledgeable and attentive to the needs of the personnel.

2023-10-17 Jacob

The Military base had a variety of recreational facilities, including sports fields and a swimming pool. These facilities allowed personnel to engage in physical activities and relax during their downtime.

2023-10-22 Grace

The Military base had a well-organized transportation system that made it easy for personnel to move around. The buses were reliable and the schedule was convenient.

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