AED @ Blk 62B lift lobby

AED @ Blk 62B lift lobby is close to 62B, Lorong 4 Toa Payoh, Golden Lotus, Toa Payoh, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 312062

  • Address: Lor 4 Toa Payoh, Singapore
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3357962, 103.8511446

AED @ Blk 62B lift lobby, opening hours today

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AED @ Blk 62B lift lobby reviews
2023-08-29 Ben

The emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby is very efficient. I had to use it once when I witnessed a car accident nearby and needed to call for help. The response time was very quick and the staff on the other end were very helpful and calm. I felt reassured knowing that help was on the way. Overall, a great experience.

2023-08-29 Emily

I had to use the emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby during a medical emergency. The wait time for someone to answer the call was longer than expected, but once connected, the staff were very helpful. They guided me through the situation and stayed on the line until help arrived. The booth itself was clean and well-maintained. Good service overall.

2023-08-29 James

The emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby is a great addition to the building. I had to use it once when I got stuck in the lift. The staff on the other end were very calm and reassuring. They provided updates on the progress of the rescue and made sure I was okay. I appreciate their professionalism and efficiency. Good experience overall.

2023-09-13 Samantha

I recently used the emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby when I witnessed a fire in the building. The response time was quick and the staff on the other end were calm and helpful. They provided instructions on how to evacuate the building safely and made sure everyone was accounted for. I felt safe knowing that help was on the way. Great service overall.

2023-09-18 Daniel

I had to use the emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby when I got locked out of my apartment. The response time was quick and the staff on the other end were friendly and understanding. They dispatched a maintenance team to help me get back into my apartment. Good service overall, but the wait time could be improved.

2023-09-23 Olivia

The emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby is a great resource in case of emergencies. I had to use it once when I witnessed a security incident in the building. The staff on the other end were very helpful and stayed on the line until help arrived. The booth itself is well-maintained and easily accessible. Good experience overall.

2023-09-28 Jacob

I recently used the emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby when I witnessed a medical emergency. The response time was quick and the staff on the other end were calm and professional. They provided guidance on how to assist the person in need and stayed on the line until help arrived. Good service overall.

2023-10-03 Sophia

The emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby is a valuable resource in emergencies. I had to use it once when I witnessed a theft in progress. The staff on the other end were very helpful and provided guidance on what to do. The booth itself is clean and well-maintained. Good experience overall.

2023-10-08 Matthew

I recently used the emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby when I witnessed a fight breaking out. The response time was quick and the staff on the other end were calm and professional. They provided instructions on how to stay safe and made sure help was on the way. Good service overall.

2023-10-13 Isabella

The emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby is a great resource in case of emergencies. I had to use it once when I witnessed a car accident nearby. The response time was quick and the staff on the other end were calm and helpful. They provided guidance on what to do and stayed on the line until help arrived. Good experience overall.

2023-10-18 William

I recently used the emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby when I witnessed a medical emergency. The response time was quick and the staff on the other end were calm and professional. They guided me through the situation and stayed on the line until help arrived. Good service overall.

2023-10-23 Chloe

The emergency call booth at Blk 62B lift lobby is a valuable resource in emergencies. I had to use it once when I witnessed a fire in the building. The response time was quick and the staff on the other end were calm and professional. They provided instructions on how to evacuate safely and made sure everyone was accounted for. Good experience overall.

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