Adf Waterproof Pte Ltd

  • Address: 25 Mandai Estate #05-04, Innovation Place Tower 1, Singapore 729930
  • Phone: +65 6362 1282
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.406264, 103.759992

Adf Waterproof Pte Ltd, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 9 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 9 AM 6 PM
Wednesday 9 AM 6 PM
Thursday 9 AM 6 PM
Friday 9 AM 6 PM
Saturday 9 AM 1 PM
Adf Waterproof Pte Ltd reviews
2023-09-07 John

I hired Adf Waterproof for waterproofing my basement. They did a great job and the leakage problem is completely resolved. The team was professional and efficient. I would highly recommend their services.

2023-09-07 Sarah

I had Adf Waterproof do the waterproofing for my bathroom. They did a wonderful job and the waterproofing is working perfectly. The team was very skilled and completed the work on time. I am very satisfied with their services.

2023-09-07 Kevin

I contacted Adf Waterproof for waterproofing my balcony. They responded promptly and provided a reasonable quote. The team was punctual and did a thorough job. The water leakage problem has been solved. I am happy with their service.

2023-09-22 Jennifer

I hired Adf Waterproof to fix the water leakage in my roof. They did an excellent job and the leakage is completely stopped. The team was professional and completed the work efficiently. I would recommend their services.

2023-09-27 Michael

I used Adf Waterproof for the waterproofing of my swimming pool. They did a fantastic job and the pool is now leak-free. The team was skilled and completed the work on time. I am very happy with their service.

2023-10-02 Emily

I had Adf Waterproof waterproof my basement. They did a good job and the leakage problem is resolved. The team was professional and completed the work efficiently. Overall, I am satisfied with their service.

2023-10-07 David

I contacted Adf Waterproof for waterproofing my bathroom. They provided a reasonable quote and completed the work on time. The waterproofing is working well. I would recommend their services.

2023-10-12 Jessica

The team at Adf Waterproof did a great job with the waterproofing of my balcony. They were professional and completed the work efficiently. The water leakage problem has been solved. I am happy with their service.

2023-10-17 Daniel

I hired Adf Waterproof for the waterproofing of my roof. They did a good job and the leakage is fixed. The team was professional and completed the work on time. Overall, I am satisfied with their service.

2023-10-22 Emma

I had Adf Waterproof do the waterproofing for my swimming pool. They did a great job and the pool is now leak-free. The team was skilled and completed the work efficiently. I would recommend their services.

2023-10-27 Oliver

I contacted Adf Waterproof for waterproofing my basement. They provided a reasonable quote and completed the work on time. The waterproofing is working well. I am satisfied with their service.

2023-11-01 Sophia

I hired Adf Waterproof to fix the water leakage in my bathroom. They did an excellent job and the leakage is completely stopped. The team was professional and completed the work efficiently. I would recommend their services.

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