9 Marsiling Lane Basketball Court

9 Marsiling Lane Basketball Court is close to Admiralty Road, Woodlands, Northwest, SG-03, 739981

  • Address: 9 Marsiling Ln, Singapore 739146
  • Website: ownyourcourt.com
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.4435815, 103.7759167

9 Marsiling Lane Basketball Court, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 7 AM 10 PM for the week
Monday 7 AM 10 PM
Tuesday 7 AM 10 PM
Wednesday 7 AM 10 PM
Thursday 7 AM 10 PM
Friday 7 AM 10 PM
Saturday 7 AM 10 PM
9 Marsiling Lane Basketball Court reviews
2023-09-04 Rachel

The wait time for the basketball court at 9 Marsiling Lane is usually quite short. I have never had to wait for more than 10 minutes to get a court. The court is also available for reservation, which is great for planning games in advance.

2023-09-04 Jason

The ambiance and decor of the basketball court at 9 Marsiling Lane is pretty basic. It's just a simple court with lines and hoops. There are no extra decorations or fancy features. But that's all you really need for a good game of basketball.

2023-09-04 Karen

I love playing basketball at 9 Marsiling Lane. The court is well-maintained and the surface is smooth and clean. I have never encountered any issues with the court or the equipment. It's a great place to play basketball.

2023-09-19 Daniel

The value for money at 9 Marsiling Lane basketball court is excellent. The court is free to use and there are no hidden fees or charges. You get a great basketball court experience without having to spend any money.

2023-09-24 Jessica

I have always had a positive experience at 9 Marsiling Lane basketball court. The court is well-maintained and the environment is friendly and welcoming. It's a great place to play basketball with friends or even join a pickup game.

2023-09-29 Ryan

The initial impression and atmosphere at 9 Marsiling Lane basketball court is great. The court is clean and well-kept, and there is a sense of community among the players. It's a place where basketball enthusiasts can come together and enjoy the sport.

2023-10-04 Michelle

The facilities and amenities at 9 Marsiling Lane basketball court are adequate. There are multiple basketball courts available, so it's usually not too crowded. There are also water coolers and benches for players to rest and hydrate.

2023-10-09 David

The customer service and staff at 9 Marsiling Lane basketball court are friendly and helpful. They are responsive to any issues or concerns and make sure that the court is always in good condition. They also enforce the rules and regulations to ensure a fair and safe playing environment.

2023-10-14 Emma

The wait time for the basketball court at 9 Marsiling Lane can be a bit long during peak hours. There have been times when I had to wait for more than 30 minutes to get a court. It would be great if they could implement a reservation system to make it easier to plan games in advance.

2023-10-19 Chris

The ambiance and decor of the basketball court at 9 Marsiling Lane is simple but functional. The court is well-maintained and the hoops are in good condition. It's not the fanciest court, but it gets the job done.

2023-10-24 Sophia

I have had a great experience playing basketball at 9 Marsiling Lane. The court is clean and well-maintained, and the players are friendly and respectful. It's a great place to improve your basketball skills and have fun.

2023-10-29 Michael

The value for money at 9 Marsiling Lane basketball court is excellent. The court is free to use and there are no additional charges for using the facilities. It's a great place for basketball enthusiasts to enjoy the sport without breaking the bank.

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