88 Productions

88 Productions is close to SBF Center, 160, Robinson Road, Golden Shoe, Downtown Core, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 068914

  • Address: 160 Robinson Rd, Singapore 068914
  • Phone: +65 9338 5158
  • Website: theodoravoutsa.com
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.278027, 103.8479839

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88 Productions reviews

Theodora volunteered to help us put together a video for our mentorship programme graduation ceremony at United Women Singapore. She was very efficient, professional and helpful throughout the entire process and we loved how the video turned out. Thank you so much!

Theodora is one of the most amazing professional you get to work with. Her passion towards what she does, makes everything about her work authentic. She truly cares about every soul she works with and tries with all her forces to make them …

I am absolutely thrilled with the photography and videography work from 88 Productions. Theodora is wonderful to work with and strikes a perfect balance of using her boundless creativity and consulting with me on my needs and hopes for the videos and my brand. She has captured the mood of my work so well. Thank you!!

2023-09-03 Theodora

Theodora volunteered to help us put together a video for our mentorship programme graduation ceremony at United Women Singapore. She was very efficient, professional and helpful throughout the entire process and we loved how the video turned out. Thank you so much!

2023-09-03 Anonymous

Theodora is one of the most amazing professional you get to work with. Her passion towards what she does, makes everything about her work authentic. She truly cares about every soul she works with and tries with all her forces to make them feel seen and cherished.

2023-09-03 Anonymous

I am absolutely thrilled with the photography and videography work from 88 Productions. Theodora is wonderful to work with and strikes a perfect balance of using her boundless creativity and consulting with me on my needs and hopes for the videos and my brand. She has captured the mood of my work so well. Thank you!!

2023-09-05 Emma

Theodora is one of the most amazing professionals you get to work with. Her passion toward what she does makes everything about her work authentic. She truly cares about every soul she works with and tries with all her forces to make them feel seen and cherished.

2023-09-18 Adrian

Theodora is one of the most amazing professionals you get to work with. Her passion towards what she does makes everything about her work authentic. She truly cares about every soul she works with and tries with all her forces to make them feel seen and cherished.

2023-09-20 Michael

I am absolutely thrilled with the photography and videography work from 88 Productions. Theodora is wonderful to work with and strikes a perfect balance of using her boundless creativity and consulting with me on my needs and hopes for the videos and my brand. She has captured the mood of my work so well. Thank you!

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