21st Century Employment Pte Ltd

21st Century Employment Pte Ltd is close to Lucky Plaza, 304, Orchard Road, Orchard, Singapore, Central, SG-01, 238863

  • Address: 304 Orchard Rd, #04-04 Lucky Plaza, Singapore 238863
  • Phone: +65 6737 1022
  • Website: 21stcentury.com.sg
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3045456, 103.8339449

21st Century Employment Pte Ltd, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 10 AM 5 PM
Monday 10 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 10 AM 6 PM
Wednesday 10 AM 6 AM
Thursday 10 AM 6 PM for the week
Friday 10 AM 6 PM
Saturday 10 AM 5 PM
21st Century Employment Pte Ltd reviews

Cecilia has been very helpful throughout the whole process of our helper’s transfer last year, taking us through the paperwork for my helper’s trip home plus her transfer to our family, including navigating all the covid regulations. …

The worst agency we came accross so far. Total disappointment! Their attitude changed after we hired the helper from them. Very unprofessional …

Received my maid's renewal permit, then call me to ask why i never renew her permit. For f sake. I pay u to renew permit and apply home leave. Not for u to call me and accuse me of not renewing her wp. U r the agent, I'm not ur staff, why …

2023-08-25 Cecilia

Cecilia has been very helpful throughout the whole process of our helper’s transfer last year, taking us through the paperwork for my helper’s trip home plus her transfer to our family, including navigating all the covid regulations.

2023-08-25 James

The worst agency we came across so far. Total disappointment! Their attitude changed after we hired the helper from them. Very unprofessional.

2023-08-25 Karen

Received my maid's renewal permit, then called me to ask why I never renew her permit. For F sake. I pay you to renew the permit and apply for home leave. Not for you to call me and accuse me of not renewing her wp. You are the agent, I'm not your staff, why.

2023-11-08 Anonymous

Received my maid's renewal permit, then call me to ask why i never renew her permit. For f sake. I pay u to renew permit and apply home leave. Not for u to call me and accuse me of not renewing her wp. U r the agent, I'm not ur staff, why.

2023-11-18 Anonymous

The worst agency we came accross so far. Total disappointment! Their attitude changed after we hired the helper from them. Very unprofessional

2023-11-23 Anonymous

Received my maid's renewal permit, then called me to ask why I never renew her permit. For F sake. I pay you to renew the permit and apply for home leave. Not for you to call me and accuse me of not renewing her wp. You are the agent, I'm not your staff, why

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